CBSE Class 10 English Poem Dust of Snow: Step-by-Step Guide

Chasmic English Academy

Dust of Snow:Introduction

Reading and understanding a poem in English literature can be very difficult for students. This blog helps overcome that problem. However, engaging with a poem is also rewarding for students because poems contain so many elements such as imagery, symbolism, metaphors, and themes that can lead students to a deeper understanding of the world around us.
We will study the CBSE Class 10 poem "Dust of Snow" by Rober Frost and understand its meaning, structure, mind map, and poetic devices.

What is Dust of Snow?

There is no such dust of snow but the poet uses snowflakes as a metaphor to convey his ideas.

Dust of Snow:About the poet

Rober Frost, an American poet, was born in 1874 and died in 1963.
He is known for his vivid imagery and use of vernacular, or everyday language, to convey his complex ideas in simple everyday terms. His poems usually contain rural imagery and colloquial language that explores complex themes of nature, humanity, and human situations. Robert Frost has won not one, but four Pulitzer Prizes for poetry. He is considered one of the best and most important poets of the 20th century.

Class 10 Dust of Snow: Central Idea

The central idea of the poem conveys nature's ability to transform everything into a positive effect. This poem is an example of nature having the power to transform. The poem is about a small event where a dusting of snow falls on the speaker's shoulder and transforms his mood from despondency to bliss. The poem also gives us the message that nature can heal someone no matter what situation he or she is in.

CBSE Class 10 Poem Dust of Snow Summary:

Frost's poetry, Dust of Snow is short and sweet, telling us that a crow shakes a hemlock tree and the dust of snow falls from the tree's branches onto the speaker. The speaker, who was feeling down and sad, quickly becomes cheerful again after being showered by the dust of snow. Moreover, he feels his mood lifted. He also enjoys the renewal of his mood. Overall, it is a short but powerful poem that captures a moment of transformation in nature.

Dust of Snow Poem:Structure

The poem analysis tells us that the structure of the poem consists of only two stanzas, between which a deep meaning can be found. Two stanzas also consist of eight lines and each stanza contains four lines.
The poem has a simple rhyme scheme, i.e. ABAB throughout the poem, and each line consists of one iambic tetrameter, i.e. eight syllables. The poem is revealing in context, meaning that each word and phrase was created with extreme care, carefully choosing the right word to convey certain feelings and ideas. The simplicity of the poem belies its deeper meaning. It looks like a simple poem, but the deeper meaning is the hidden meaning behind Robert Frost's Dust Of Snow.

Dust of Snow:Mindmap

The Dust of the Snow: Poetic device

Figurative language used in Dust Of Snow such as the main poetic devices used by the poet are symbolism, personification, metaphor, and imagery. The imagery in literature, of English, used in the poem 'Dust Of Snow' by Robert Frost gives a vivid picture to the readers. Frost paints a realistic picture of the crow shaking the snow off the hemlock tree, which creates a visual image that the reader can easily imagine, which is an example of figurative poetry. The use of personification (the crow as "he") also adds to the sensual appeal of the poem. In this poem, the poet uses "he" to personify the crow, where the crow should have a different gender number, and the poet uses 'he' for the crow, making it personification. The entire poem is an example of symbolism, in which the poet uses dust, snow, and a crow to represent his ideas. The poetic device used in "Dust of Snow" by Robert Frost is symbolism. The dust of snow symbolizes the small moments of joy or insight that can lift us out of a bad mood or a negative mindset.

Class 10 Dust of Snow Detailed explanation:

The first stanza describes the crow shaking off the hemlock on the speaker's shoulder, and the poet mentions the vivid image of dust falling from the hemlock.
The "crow" and the "hemlock" are both symbols of winter and darkness, while the "dust of snow" symbolizes a moment of weightlessness and hope.

The last stanza is an effect of the first stanza, where we find the cause of the poem. In this stanza, the speaker points out the effect of the dust of snow by saying that his mood has changed because of what happened in the first stanza. And the speaker of the poem says that he "changed the mood" and "saved part of the day" This line indicates that no matter what the situation is, there is always a strong possibility of renewal and change.

CBSE Class 10 English Poem Dust of Snow MCQ:

1. What is the main idea of the poem "Dust of Snow"?
a) Nature is beautiful
b) Small things can have a big effect
c) Winter is a depressing season
d) Crows are interesting birds

Answer: b) Small things can have a big effect
2. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
Answer: b) ABAB


In conclusion, "Dust of Snow" is a wonderful and thought-provoking poem that analyzes the mutability of nature. By analyzing its structure, poetic devices, and central themes, we can increase our appreciation for this simple yet profound work of art. 

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A: The power of nature is highlighted by the crow and the snow.

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A: Embracing small moments is important to find redemption or change.


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